The Effects of Excessive Magnesium
Beware: Magnesium Supplements and Over-The-Counter Medication
The magnesium consumed through a normal, healthy diet has an extremely low incidence of causing overdose. Supplements, however, present a risk of overdose. Be careful about supplementing with magnesium. Also monitor your use of OTC medicines that contain magnesium, such as milk of magnesia, other chewable antacids and even epsom salts (ingested or topical).
Gastrointestinal Distress
Lower risk, more common effects of excessive magnesium in your body include stomach aches and diarrhea. Nausea and vomiting are more serious; if they persist, it is very important to seek the help of a medical professional.
Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
An excessive amount of magnesium in the human body has been found to cause more serious health problems. Too much magnesium may cause the heart to slow down, with a severe drop in blood pressure.
Other Mineral Deficiencies
An overdose of magnesium may lead to deficiencies of other minerals. The most notable is a calcium deficiency, because when calcium and magnesium are both ingested, they cannot be absorbed equally into the body When your diet is already low in calcium, a calcium deficiency may occur when too much magnesium is ingested.
Severe Effects of Magnesium Overdose
Severe effects of excessive magnesium include mental confusion, coma, and sometimes death.