How to Prepare Foods for Candida Diet
Make smart shopping choices. Preparing foods for a Candida diet starts with the ingredients you choose to purchase at the grocery store. Become familiar with the processed foods packaged in cans, bottles or boxes that contain yeast, refined sugar, refined flour, chemicals, preservatives and/or food coloring.
Eliminate sugary ingredients and foods. One of the most important ingredients to avoid when preparing foods for Candida dietary meals is sugar. Candida thrives on sugar, which fuels the yeast and contributes to a weakened immune system. Do not cook with refined sugar, including white, brown or raw sugar, maple syrup, honey or molasses.
Limit the use of dairy ingredients. Temporarily eliminate all forms of cow's milk and most cheeses (especially aged, moldy or processed selections) when preparing meals for a Candida diet. Do not use Velveeta, Cheese Whiz, cream cheese, Roquefort or blue cheese when cooking. However, Candida dieters should take advantage of the "good" bacteria found in yogurt.
Include low-carb vegetables in meals. Preparing foods with little to no carbohydrates for a Candida diet can reduce the amount of yeast in your system. Choose cucumbers, zucchinis, kale, spinach, green beans, onions, green peppers and any green, leafy vegetable for meal preparation. Cook with avocados to add a food that stabilizes blood sugar levels.
Beware of natural sugars in fruits. The natural sugars found in fruit add to the growth of yeast. Avoid fruit juices and the fresh, frozen, canned and dried versions of fruit -- except for green apples, grapefruit, lemons and limes. Get in the habit of reading labels to detect hidden sugar in foods, such as sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose, glucose, sorbitol and polysaccharides.
Do not serve baked goods. A Candida diet should eliminate foods that contain yeast, including Baker's yeast and Brewer's yeast. Since many baked goods rely on yeast in order to rise in the oven, avoid preparing foods that include crackers, bagels, breads, rolls, pastries and muffins.
Become familiar with foods containing gluten. Breads not only contain yeast but also carry gluten -- a protein substance that gives dough its sticky texture. Gluten should be avoided when on a Candida diet because it is highly allergenic and high in carbohydrates. Skip foods containing gluten (such as bread and pasta) that include wheat, barley or rye. Choose alternate grains, such as kamut and quinoa.
Choose your meats wisely. When you prepare foods for a Candida diet, avoid meats that have been processed, cured, dried, smoked or pickled. Eliminate cured bacon, hot dogs, smoked salmon, pickled herring, smoked sausages, pastrami, bologna, deli meats, salami and corned beef from your diet. Avoid breaded meats and ideally select entrees with organic, free-range versions of beef, liver, lamb, pork and poultry. Choose shrimp, cod, trout, catfish, halibut, flounder, perch, red snapper and wild salmon for lunch and dinner.