Diet & Nutrition to Prevent MS
Benefical Foods
Eat five to eight servings of raw fruits and vegetables per day. According to the department of neurology at Klinikum Mannheim University, malnutrition could possibly exacerbate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Studies conducted at the university revealed that intake of vitamin D and linoleic acid is helpful with preventing MS and other health conditions like osteoporosis. Raw fruits and vegetables are very high in essential vitamins and minerals. For overall health and wellness, a person needs good nutrition to prevent the onset of diseases like MS.
Eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables like strawberries, carrots and broccoli. Be sure to also consume foods that are rich in vitamin D like cow's milk or goat's milk. Drink at least 8 oz. per day. Goat's milk is a great choice for people who are lactose intolerant. You can also get vitamin D from cod liver oil or sunshine. (See the link in the Resource section to read more about vitamin D and MS.) Linoleic acid is found in milk fat and safflower oil. Linoleic acid can also be purchased as a dietary supplement at your local health food store.
Dr. E.H. Reynolds is a medical doctor at King's College Hospital in London. He discovered that three of his MS patients were deficient in vitamin B12. Dr. Reynolds began giving his patients vitamin B12 and he noticed slight improvements and no more continual deterioration caused by the disease. These results are very promising, but more studies need to be done on the effects of vitamin B-12. Regardless, vitamin B-12 will not harm a patient, so adding food rich in B-12 should be considered. Foods that are rich in B-12 are lean meats like chicken, salmon and turkey.
Take Supplements
Take a whole food multi-vitamin and mineral supplement each day. In addition to eating a healthy diet, supplements can provide the body with additional nutrition. According to the Nutrition Journal of BioMed Central, multiple sclerosis is usually seen in people who have been malnourished for long periods of time. Eating a healthy diet should come first but, taking vitamin and mineral supplements can give you additional insurance. Extra B-vitamins may also be helpful because these vitamins improve nervous system health. People with MS suffer because the immune system is attacking the nerves.
Drink 8 to 10 glasses of pure water each day. Water transports nutrients to the cells where they are needed the most. In addition, water also removes waste. Toxins can weaken the body so it is imperative to rid the body of toxins by drinking plenty of pure water. Avoid drinking tap water because municipal water contains chlorine. Chlorine is a toxic substance that is not good for the urinary tract. Be sure your water is filtered. Avoid sugary drinks and soda pop. These beverages can actually increase your body's need for even more water.