Liver Detox With Fruits & Vegetables
Juice Your Food
A juice detox for the liver can be highly beneficial for a few reasons. As a result of an accumulation of toxins from junk food, the liver needs essential nutrients from food (particularly fiber) to flush them out. In addition, fruit and vegetables do not tax the liver like high-protein foods, which gives the body a reprieve.
According to "The Juice Lady's Guide to Juicing for Health," beets, apricots, dandelions, endive and papaya are all beneficial to the liver. These juices can help the liver get rid of bile, which is waste produced by the body that is expelled through excretion. If you juice carrots, make sure to ingest the pulp, which is high in fiber and aids the liver in digestion.
Other good options for juicing are apples, celery, cucumbers, oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes and strawberries, and spices such as turmeric, cayenne and garlic should also be used during a liver detox.
Remember to Eat Leafy Greens
Many people who go on a detox diet neglect green leafy vegetables. Kale, spinach, romaine lettuce and Swiss chard are full of phytochemicals and antioxidants that help the liver process everyday environmental toxins. "The Complete Book of Nutritional Healing" says leafy greens lower the risk of infections, including those the liver helps fight, such as in the urinary tract. It is best to juice leafy greens because it breaks apart tough cell walls and gives your body instant access to these nutrients.
If you do not want to juice leafy greens, then make a large salad every day during the detox and add lightly steamed vegetables, tomatoes, chopped fruit, raisins or any other fruit. Use a light dressing, such as Italian or oil and vinegar, and don't add cheese, cream-based dressing, croutons or meat during the detox.
Keep Realistic
Because liver damage is cumulative, regenerating the organ can take longer than the length of time you're on a fruit and vegetable detox diet. The long-term effects of a liver detox will be mitigated should you continue to engage in harmful habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol and taking too many medications.