Importance of Nutrition & Fitness
The importance of nutrition and physical fitness cannot be overstated when it comes to maintaining good health. Nutrition and fitness together will help you achieve optimal health.-
Nutrition defined
Nutrition is the process by which organisms take in and utilize food material. Nutrition optimally should come from the food you eat, but vitamin and mineral supplements can provide nutrients missing in your diet.
Regular exercise keeps your body flexible and strong, helps maintain a healthy metabolism, increases energy and decreases stress. Exercise can help control chronic medical conditions such as insomnia, high cholesterol, depression and anxiety.
Food is fuel
Even when you are not moving, your body is constantly working. Bodies require energy to keep our organs working properly, our cells regenerating, our immune systems functioning, and our skin, hair, teeth and bones strong.
Eating and exercise
What and when you eat before a workout is important. A small meal comprised of complex carbohydrates and protein, 1 to 2 hours before exercising, will help stabilize blood sugar and energy levels as well as discourage your body from breaking down muscle for fuel. Drink plenty of water and stay away from fat and sugar.
Fighting disease
Many foods have disease-fighting properties, such as lowering cholesterol (almonds), heart health (red grapes), cancer prevention (tea) and diabetes management (cinnamon). Others can help lower blood pressure (skim milk), aid digestion (yogurt) and protect against flu (mushrooms).