Facts About Protein Bars

Protein bars are a dietary supplement used by bodybuilders and athletes to ensure adequate daily intake of protein. Supermarkets and health stores offer many protein bar options with different ingredients and flavors.
  1. Definition

    • Protein bars are a nutritional supplement providing a high-protein, low-carbohydrate nutritional boost; athletes consume protein bars post-workout to boost the body's ability to build muscle. Protein bars also help meet the USDA daily recommended allowance for protein intake of 50 grams.


    • Commercial protein bars contain whey or soy protein. Natural ingredients include peanuts, oats, milk, eggs and sugar. Many are also coated in chocolate or yogurt to improve taste.


    • Nutritional values depend on ingredients, but most offer protein levels between 20 to 30 grams per bar, and are low in carbohydrates and calories.


    • A protein bar offers an easy alternative to traditional, high-protein meals. For bodybuilders and athletes seeking to increase muscle size and definition, protein bars provide muscle-building proteins without added calories. Bars are more convenient than protein powders and shakes, which are often messy and time-consuming to prepare.

    Popular Brands

    • Popular brands include Supreme Protein Bars, Detour Bars, Promax Bars and Optimum Protein Diet Bars.


    • Protein bars often contain high levels of refined sugars and saturated fats and should be avoided as a meal substitute. According to the FDA, certain brands containing peanut products have been recalled due to Salmonella worries.

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