What Is Fructose Made From?
Crystalline Fructose
Sugar listed on a label as crystalline fructose is a sweetener made from cornstarch. For about 20 years, crystalline fructose has been used in foods as a sweetener. It is a product of the sucrose industry and from the process of milling wet corn.
In its natural form, fructose is consumed by eating fruits, honey, or some vegetables. Fructose consumed in processed foods is usually crystalline fructose, which is made from corn. Sugar is made from a combination of fructose and glucose.
High fructose corn syrup is different than fructose. Although fructose is in the name, the two sugars have different compositions. High fructose corn syrup is made of a combination of fructose and glucose.
Fructose has a lower glycemic load than table sugar and is twice as sweet, so it may be a better option for people who want to eat less sugar. Because fructose is so sweet, less fructose is used in foods. This contributes to eating fewer calories in the form of sugar.
Fructose is a monosaccharide and much sweeter than table sugar or HFCS. Consumers may buy fructose at the grocery store.