What Is the Function of Fructose?
Simple sugars and carbohydrates are the easiest form of energy for the body, since they are broken down more rapidly than complex foods like proteins, fats and whole grains and vegetables. The body takes these simple sugars and converts them to glucose. Excess glucose is stored as glycogen, and excess glycogen is converted to fat for storage.
Natural sources
Fructose occurs naturally in honey, most fruits and some vegetables. All are good sources of quick energy for cellular function.
Processed sources
Fructose also comes from high fructose corn syrup, which, though derived from corn, is a processed sweetener. It does contain both glucose and fructose, so it is processed by the body in the same way that "natural" fructose is processed.
Most nutrients are processed by the body in multiple ways, but fructose is processed only in the liver, making it a quick source of energy directly to the muscles and brain. However, when the body receives too much fructose, its processing interferes with the breakdown and production of glucose, causing high blood sugar levels. Surplus amounts of glucose also result in excess glycogen and, therefore, higher body fat as well.
Dietary Considerations
Some studies have indicated that the consumption of products with high fructose corn syrup can lead to diabetes and weight gain. Other studies state that high fructose corn syrup is no more a culprit than other sweeteners. Consuming too much sugar and too many refined carbohydrates, in any form, will achieve the same result--erratic blood sugar levels, low energy, and additional body fat.