Is Salba Safe?
Salba is a form of chia seed. While extremely similar in most aspects, Salba, which adheres to strict growing regulations, is considered the next level of chia seeds. Salba is a purer, cleaner product.
Salba is grown exclusively in the Amazon basin of Peru, while chia seeds are typically cultivated in Mexico under less rigid standards.
A serving size of Salba (12 g) contains 2 1/2 g of omega-3 acids, making it the best source for plant-based omega-3 in the world. Salba also boasts 15 times more magnesium than broccoli, six times more calcium than milk, three times more iron than spinach, three times the antioxidant strength of blueberries, twice as much vegetable protein as kidney beans and twice the potassium of bananas.
Aside from its nutritional value, Salba has been shown to lower blood pressure and help regulate blood glucose levels. And because the tiny seeds have no particular taste, they can be added to any meal.
Salba has no known harmful side effects. The product is not genetically modified; it's suitable for vegans, and it contains no gluten.
Fun Fact
Salba is simply the brand name for a type of chia plant seed, the same chia plants that are often sold on television as chia pets.