Nutrition Facts for Broccoli Salad
With fiber, Vitamins A and C, and nutrients that lower the risk for colon, breast, and bladder cancer and other diseases, broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables to consume regularly. The Romans ate a lot of it.
Uncooked broccoli contains goitrogens that block iodine utilization. The iodine cannot combine with tyrosine to produce thyroid hormone. Therefore, individuals with hypothyroidism should consume a little iodized salt, or a kelp tablet, which contains iodine, and eat raw broccoli only rarely. (Ref. 1.)
According to lead researcher, M. Vermeulen, sulfurophane, an anti-cancer nutrient, reaches higher amounts in the blood when raw broccoli is consumed, compared to cooked broccoli (See Reference 2).
Besides sulforaphane, other phytonutrients and indoles inhibit estrogen-sensitive breast cancer.
The hytochemicals lutein and zeaxanthin, plus Vitamin C, protect the eyes from ultraviolet light, while lowering cataract risk.
Broccoli's calcium and Vitamin K content can promote bone health. (Ref. 3.)
Cooked Broccoli Versus Raw Broccoli
The data comparisons for one half-cup broccoli include the following:
Cooked: 1,083 international units (IU) Vitamin A. Raw: 478 IU.
Cooked: 58.2 mg Vitamin C. Raw: 41 mg.
Cooked: 2 g fiber. Raw: 1 g.In one whole cup of cooked broccoli, calcium amounts to 71.8 mg. In a cup of raw broccoli, calcium totals 42.2 mg. (Ref. 4.)
Consuming raw broccoli produces more anticarcinogens in the blood; however, cooking produces broccoli with more bioavailable carotenoids, vitamins and fiber. Eat both raw and cooked broccoli.
To prepare a salad with raw broccoli, chop the top parts and toss with other vegetables in a vinaigrette. Or sliver the stalks with carrots for a slaw. The power of broccoli against cancer makes it worthwhile to buy a timer to steam broccoli for two to three minutes. Eat while warm, or cool the broccoli and prepare a colorful salad with it.