How to Eat an Alkaline Diet
Decrease your overall consumption of grains by half. This will reduce acidity in your diet, promoting alkalinity by default. Halve your serving size of all of the following common grains: barley, oats, rye, wheat, and white flour items.
Decrease your overall consumption of meats by half. As all meats (poultry, seafood, beef, etc.) are acidic according to the PRAL (potential renal acid load) scale, this will bring your body that much closer to a state of alkalinity.
Decrease your overall consumption of dairy products as well, including milk, cheeses, ice cream and the like, as dairy is the final general category of acidic foods. Cut your consumption of dairy products by half to promote further alkalinity.
Consume at least one serving of fruit with every meal, as fruits are all alkaline in nature. Vary the type of fruits that you are consuming to provide your body with a full range of vitamins and minerals throughout the day.
Consume at least one serving of vegetables with every meal, as all vegetables are also highly alkaline. As with fruits, vary the vegetables that you consume in order to provide your body with a full spectrum of vital nutrients.
Further adjust your diet if necessary to reach a balance of 75 percent alkaline foods (fruits and vegetables) with only 25 percent acidic foods (grains, meats and dairy). According to information from the nutritional website Vitamins', this is the ideal ratio for a proper alkaline diet.