Simple Ways to Purify Water in the Home
According to the Washington State Department of Health, water can be purified by boiling. The health department recommends filtering cloudy water before boiling it. This can be done using coffee filters, paper towels, cheese cloth or a cotton plug in a funnel.
Pour the filter watered into a clean pot, and bring it to a rolling boil for approximately one minute. Then, turn off the heat and allow the water to cool. Once it has cooled sufficiently, it is safe to drink.
Adding Chlorine Bleach
Water also can be purified by adding liquid chlorine bleach, although this method is not as safe as boiling. To purify water with bleach, filter the water into a clean container. Use liquid chlorine bleach that contains between 5 and 6 percent chlorine--Clorox or Purex, for example. The Washington State Department of Health recommends that you avoid using bleach that contains perfumes, dyes or other additives. Pour the bleach into the water and mix it thoroughly. (For a chart specifying the recommended proportion of bleach to water, see the link in Resources.) Allow the water to stand for at least 30 minutes, or longer if it is still cloudy.
Purification Tablets
Iodine tablets (crystalline iodine), available at most sporting goods stores, can be used to purify water, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For specific directions, consult the label on the bottle. Generally, bottles of iodine tablets contain 50 tablets, which can be used to treat 25 quarts of water. Drop the tablet in the water; after several minutes, the iodine dissolves. A distinct odor and taste remains. Moreover, it is important to note that this method should not be used for prolonged periods, because it can result in thyroid suppression and other problems, according to Dr. Stuart Rose, author of the International Travel Health Guide.