How to Find Iron Rich Foods
*Iron Rich Foods*
One of the best sources of iron rich foods is lean red meat such as beef and liver. These meats are high in iron and help prevent anemia in the blood without iron supplements or iron vitamins. However, not everyone likes to eat liver, so beef may be the better option for most people that the liver - although it is an excellent source of iron.
*Iron Rich Foods - More*
Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach greens are also rich in iron and great to eat to make sure that you have enough iron in your blood. Artichokes are another good option in an iron rich diet. Steam the artichokes and they are not only tasty, but also an iron rich food. You can buy artichoke hearts in a can if you don't like dealing with fresh ones.
*Even More - Iron Rich Foods*
Dried fruits such as prunes and raisins are very good for an iron rich diet. Beans, chickpeas, and lentils are also high in iron and a good option for iron rich foods. Hummus is good for you because it is make out of chickpeas, and you can eat bean dip if you don't like beans regularly.
*Iron Rich Foods - For Breakfast*
Remember that egg yokes are also especially high in iron. Eat them for breakfast or an iron-enriched cereal so that you'll have plenty of iron in your diet. Both of these are iron rich foods.