How Much Calcium for Osteopenia?
Recommended Daily Amount
The National Academy of Science (NAS) recommends this daily intake of calcium for Americans: 1,000 mg per day for those ages 19-50; 1,200 mg per day for those 50 years old and over; and 1,000 mg per day for pregnant or lactating women ,
People with osteopenia tend to get too little calcium in their diets, or the calcium they do get isn't effectively absorbed. To treat them, the best guidelines are these from the NAS. Added dosages aren't frequently prescribed.
Getting the Calcium
Dr. Joel Fuhrman, who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods, believes a healthy diet is the solution for people with osteopenia. He writes on, "When you eat a healthy diet, rich in natural foods such as vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds, it is impossible not to obtain sufficient calcium."
Additionally, he contends that a healthy diet helps us make the best use of the nutrients we consume, including calcium. Our habits also help maintain healthy calcium levels. Alcohol, caffeine, smoking and soft drinks reduce the calcium in our bodies by causing loss in our urine.
The best sources of calcium from foods are bok-choy, broccoli, collard greens, calcium-fortified orange juice, kale, milk, sesame seeds, soybeans, spinach, tahini, turnip greens and sweet potatoes. But there's more good news for those with osteopenia. Dr. Fuhrman says, "most unprocessed, natural foods contain calcium, and green vegetables have particularly high levels."
Another benefit of green vegetables is their calcium absorption rate. Greens are absorbed at over 50 percent when compared with milk's 32 percent. All green vegetables are high in calcium, according to Dr. Fuhrman.
Depending on your family history and other factors, your doctor may recommend you take a calcium supplement combined with Vitamin D. Vitamin D is critical because it helps our bodies absorb the calcium we ingest. Your doctor may also advise you to eat more Vitamin D-rich foods, such as eggs, Vitamin D-enriched milk, seafood and some fish oils. Also, depending on your circumstances, your doctor may recommend you get more sunlight.