Diet & Supplements to Prevent Menopausal Symptoms
Maintaining a healthy diet for anyone is important, but choices of food may help you deal with menopausal symptoms. Each day, try to incorporate plenty of protein, carbohydrates, dairy, fruits and vegetables and fats into meals. Eating at least three times a day will keep you energized and full, with snacks in between meals.
Hot flashes are one of the most common symptoms of menopause and one of the most disliked. Reduce occurrences of hot flashes by increasing water intake to at least 64 oz. per day, and reduce drinking tea, alcohol, coffee, soda and eating spicy foods. These trigger foods often cause women to have an increased occurrence of hot flashes.
Eating foods that contain phytoestrogens, like soy, beans, potatoes and yams, can help reduce hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. Phytoestrogens are derived from plant estrogens which help to supply a small amount of estrogen to the body, relieving symptoms.
Eat foods rich in carbohydrates, such as whole grain breads and cereals, to increase levels of serotonin. When levels of this brain chemical become lowered due to fluctuating hormones, women may suffer from mood swings or depression. Avoid weight gain as a symptom of menopause by eliminating unhealthy fats, and replacing them with heart healthy options like flaxseed, olive or canola oil.
For complications related to menopause like heart disease, reduce the amount of saturated fats in the diet. These fats clog arteries and increase the risk for stroke or heart attack. Eat fruits and vegetables throughout the day and as part of meals to increase nutrition in the form of vitamins and minerals to the body, as well as cleanse the arteries. At least twice a week, choose fish that contain heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and tuna.
Osteoporosis affects more than eight million women in the United States according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, since menopausal bone loss is increased due to low estrogen production. Eat at least 1200 to 1500 mg of calcium through foods such as soy milk, green leafy vegetables and dairy products like cheese. Reduce caffeine intake, since the carbonation will prevent calcium from being absorbed into the bones.
There are many herbal supplements to reduce symptoms of menopause according to The National Women's Health Information Center. Black Cohosh contains phytochemicals that relieve symptoms, as well as phytoestrogens which replace a small amount of estrogen back into the body. Black Cohosh may be taken in supplement form, two times a day for a maximum of six months. Side effects include upset stomach and headaches.
Dong Quai has been shown during clinical studies to reduce menopausal symptoms by 25 percent. This Chinese herb increases blood flow, regulates estrogen levels and dilates blood vessels to alleviate hot flashes. It is also a mild sedative, which helps women who deal with depression, stress or mood swings.
Take the supplement daily, with recommended dosages of 400 to 600 mg. You may also use the herb root to create a tea for daily consumption.
Check with a physician before using any herbal supplement to reduce complications or negative interactions with prescription medication.