Lowest Levels of Mercury in Fish
Women & Children
A small amount of mercury poisoning can have a detrimental effect on young children by causing delays in language, hearing and movement development. The Federal Drug Administration recommends that women who are pregnant or could become pregnant should avoid eating fish high in mercury and consume no more than 12 oz. of low-level mercury fish per week.
Mercury poisoning has a number of effects on the body, including short-term memory problems, loss of temper, mood swings, headaches and vision problems. The National Academy of Sciences estimates that more than 60,000 children are born yearly with mercury poisoning caused by their mothers intake of seafood.
Lower Level Fish
Fish with a lower level of mercury include carp, mahi mahi, snapper, herring, monkfish, skate, cod and tuna. The FDA recommends eating no more than six 6 oz. servings of these fish per month.
Low Level Mercury
Fish with the lowest levels of mercury contamination include butterfish, catfish, pollock, salmon, sole and shrimp. The FDA guidelines allow for two 6 oz. servings of these fish per week.
Mercury contamination of fish is caused by a number of factors, but the most common cause is emissions from coal-burning power plants. The plants emit methylmercury, which binds to the proteins in fish. When predatory fish eat smaller fish they absorb the mercury content of the smaller fish into their bodies.