Perricone Diet for the Skin
Dr. Perricone's diet is comprised of anti-inflammatory foods that nourish the body and create younger, more supple skin. The diet, which does not count calories, provides three meals and two snacks per day of carefully measured food portions.
Dr. Perricone's acceptable protein choices include skinless chicken breasts, fatty fish, eggs, and turkey. He recommends eating wild and organic salmon, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Eat chicken breasts skinned and broiled. Canned salmon and tuna are also acceptable on this diet. Egg whites (with one egg yolk) are a low-fat protein choice for breakfast or any meal.
Fruits , Vegetables Carbohydrates
You are allowed low glycemic fruits and vegetables on the diet, which include berries, apples, pears, and cantaloupe. Oatmeal is a healthy choice for breakfast, as is plain yogurt with berries. Leafy green salads with olive oil can be added for lunch and dinner. Have one cup of steamed vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli or spinach, which are low on the glycemic index. You are allowed to eat all colorful vegetables and legumes, such as lentils, black beans and peas.
Beverages and Oils
Drink 8 to 10 glasses of spring water every day. Start your day with a glass of water and end with one glass before bedtime. Drink antioxidant green tea for a variation. Healthy oils are recommended such as olive oil, and oil found in nuts and seeds.
You are allowed two snack times per day on the Perricone diet--mid-afternoon and before bedtime. Dr. Perricone suggests the following mid-afternoon selections from his three-day skin improvement diet: 2 oz. of chicken breast, 6 oz. of plain yogurt, four raw unsalted hazelnuts, and 1/2 green apple. Snack choices before bed time are 2 oz. of chicken breast, 1/2 pear or green apple, yogurt, or three or four almonds or olives.
Foods to Avoid
Avoid all high glycemic carbohydrates, such as white potatoes, pasta and bread. Avoid any packaged or processed foods that are generally high in sodium, fats and preservatives. Do not eat cereals, pastries, cookies or processed snack foods as well as alcohol, red meat, pork, lamb, coffee, or sodas.
Supplements snd Skin Care
Dr. Perricone offers a wide selection of supplements and skin care products that bear his name. He suggests 12 supplements to be taken daily, which include antioxidants, fish oil, alpha lipoic acid and many other vitamins and supplements. His skin care products include cleansers, toners and moisturizers.