Stevia Facts

Stevia is a plant of the Aster family native to South America that is a widely used natural sweetener. It has been used by the Guarani people of South America as both a sweetener and an herbal cure for ailments.
  1. Origin

    • The Stevia plant is native to Brazil and Paraguay. Species of the plant are found all over South and Central America.


    • The botanical name of Stevia is Stevia Rebaudiana. The plant is also known as honey leaf, sweet herb, Yerba Dulce, candy leaf, Ka He and Paraguayan sweet herb. Stevioside, the extract from the leaves of Stevia, has 30 to 45 times the sweetness of sucrose.

    Health Benefits

    • Stevia is a natural sweetener that is thought to help prevent diabetes. It also has antibacterial properties and is used to alleviate bleeding gums, to prevent plaque on teeth, and to treat sore throats.

    Commercial Use

    • Stevia is is a low-calorie natural sweetener. It is used as a flavor enhancer in cereals, breads, juices, sherbets and candies. It is also used to flavor soft drinks and to add flavor to toothpaste and mouthwash.


    • The FDA has not specifically approved Stevia for use as a food additive, but granted it Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) status in December 2008.

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