Is Omega 6 Harmful?
Omega 6 contributes to bone, skin, and hair growth, and can also help metabolic and reproductive health. In conjunction with omega 3, omega 6 is crucial to brain growth and function as well.
In the West, especially the United States, people tend to eat too much food containing omega 6 and too little with omega 3. The imbalance can lead to heart disease, cancer, arthritis and depression.
A healthy balance should be two to four times omega 6 acids to omega 3. A diet should include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, fish, olive oil, and garlic, with very little red meat.
Omega 6 can be ingested from vegetable oils, in this form it is called linoleic acid. Meat contains arachidonic acid. Consuming too much arachidonic acid is linked to high blood pressure and other inflammatory conditions.
Other Benefits
Other potential benefits from omega 6 include reducing the risk of asthma, acne, diabetes, exzema, osteoporosis, and many other health conditions.