What Are the Benefits of Carrot Seeds?

Carrots have many medicinal properties. The ancient Greeks considered the carrot an aphrodisiac and in the Middle Ages, the carrot was believed to cure sexual maladies. Most of the carrot's power is within its seeds; they are packed with oil and nutrients that keep our bodies healthy.
  1. Antioxidant

    • Carrot seed oil is high in the antioxidant beta carotene. Beta carotene helps eliminate free radicals that damage cells. It remedies weak digestion, sexual weakness and poor eyesight.

    Skin Care

    • Carrot seed oil also contains melanin, which protects skin from sun damage, including skin cancers such as melanoma. Carrot seed oil helps balance oily and dry skin, and it helps smooth damaged, wrinkled skin.

    Cleansing Agent

    • When applied externally, carrot seed oil helps cure skin infections and open wounds. The oral consumption of carrot seed oil aids in curing throat and mouth infections, and it helps clean internal organs, especially the liver and gallbladder.


    • Carrot seed oil is a detoxifier; it detoxifies blood, muscles, tissues, the liver and kidneys.

    Treating Ilnesses

    • Carrot seeds help cure illnesses such as ulcers and jaundice. They also help alleviate dysentery and chronic cough.

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