Vitimin E Vs. Omega 3
Both vitamin E and omega three fats help to reduce inflammation in the body. The primary role of vitamin E is to protect cells from damage. Vitamin E is similar to omega three fatty acids because it is fat soluble, meaning that it can be stored in fat. Omega three fatty acids can be stored in fat but the body also uses these fats in several areas within the body. For instance, omega three fats lubricate the tissues and cells in addition to strengthening cells just like vitamin E. The two nutrients have very similar functions.
There are two main types of vitamin E. Dl-alpha-tocopher (y)l acetate or succinate is a synthetic form of vitamin. It is created in a lab and is the cheapest. The natural source of vitamin E extracted or found in foods is called d-alpa-tocopherol. D-alpa-tocpherol has a greater biopotency, meaning the cells accept this form of vitamin E better than the synthetic form. The natural form of vitamin E can be found in foods such as sunflower seeds, salmon, eggs and other types of fish.
There are three main types of omega three fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). All three types are found in foods such as sunflower seeds, almonds, eggs, and fish. Both vitamin E and omega three fats are found in many of the same foods.
As compared to omega three fats, vitamin E is more effective at fighting free radicals. However, omega three fats do a much better job at fighting inflammation. Both nutrients are needed by the body because each has something unique to offer. Both vitamin E and omega three fats improve skin health in the same way, by protecting cells.
If you are taking prescription medications be sure to talk to your doctor before taking omega three or vitamin E supplements. Some drugs may interact with vitamins and herbs. However, when you receive these nutrients from food your body will absorb the nutrients without any problems. Vitamin supplements are isolated, making them more potent.
Herbert M. Evans and K.S. Bishop discovered vitamin E in 1922. Researchers soon found out that vitamin E was a fat soluble vitamin . In 1903 studies by Evans and his assistants found that vitamin E deficiencies caused reproductive problems in small lab animals. In 1968 vitamin E was labeled as a vital nutrient for people.
People first became aware of omega three fatty acids in the 1930s. However, the benefits of these healthy fats were not known until the 1970s when researchers studied the effects these fats had on Greenland Eskimos. Today, omega fats are considered essential, but the body does not make these fats, so they must be consumed in food.