Omega 3 & Fetal Growth
The American Journal of Pediatrics published a study that showed how omega three fats help to boost fetal growth and brain power. The study was based on the level of DHA measured in blood contained inside the umbilical cord after the babies were born. During pregnancy a mother feeds her baby oxygen rich blood and nutrients through the placenta and then to the cord. The babies in the study were monitored closely to see the results of eye and brain development. The results clearly showed that omega three fatty acids are essential during pregnancy, especially the third trimester because fetal growth and brain development are moving at a very fast pace.
A study done by Colorado State University showed that omega three improved infant growth and development during gestation. One group of women were given 300 milligrams of DHA omega three fats and another group was given 600 milligrams of omega three fats. The results showed that omega three fats dramatically improved the health of both mother and baby.
A study conducted at the University of Bristol revealed that women who ate fish late in their pregnancy had bigger, healthier babies. Scientists believe it may be because the omega three fatty acids boosted growth rates by increasing blood flow to the baby. Omega three fats reduce inflammation which can make blood vessels stronger which improves the level of nutrition that travels through the placenta to the baby.( See references below to read more details about the study.)
The March of Dimes is an expert organization that donates time and money to prevent preterm birth. They go on marches and educate others on the importance of nutrition during pregnancy. They recommend that pregnant and nursing mothers take at least 200 mg of an Omega three supplement or fortified food. Omega three fatty acids also contain DHA, which is beneficial for healthy brain development.
Expert Insight
According to The Food Standards Agency and research dietician Fiona Ford, the type of fish consumed is vital. Pregnant women should stay away from fish that contain high levels of mercury and toxins such as marlin, shark, cat fish and swordfish. Women should take omega three supplements or consume certain foods that have high levels of omega three like eggs, nuts, seeds or oils that have been purified and tested such as cod liver oil or salmon oil. Women can eat salmon or halibut from clean waters. Buy Atlantic salmon or fish that has been tested.