Weight Gainer Diet

Diets commonly exist to help you lose weight, but just as importantly, some diets help you gain weight. Eating more and exercising less cause you to gain weight, but if you're not careful, you can gain either too much weight or gain weight in the wrong way, such as not getting a balance of high-calorie nutritious foods. Another factor in weight gain lies in when you eat your meals.
  1. What to Eat

    • According to the University of California, dried fruit, vegetables, whole grain breads and beans contain high calorie counts. Whole wheat bread contains more nutrients, as opposed to white bread. White bread has less overall substance. To further boost your calorie intake with bread, add cream cheese or peanut butter. These condiments have lots of protein as well as calories. Eat starchy vegetables such as potatoes. Also, drink beverages that contain calories. Instead of water or tea, drink milk or soft drinks. According to MedicineNet, your diet should consist of mostly carbohydrates--at least 60 percent.

    Other Tips

    • The average person needs 2,000 calories per day to maintain their weight. A pound of fat consists of 3,500 calories, according to the University of California. Therefore, to gain one pound per week, eat 500 extra calories per day. To do this, you can snack throughout the day, instead of just eating at mealtimes. You could also drink a small amount of alcohol before a meal. Only do this with the approval of your doctor.

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