Is Mold on Food Unhealthy?
Mold Growth
Mold grows in branching roots and stalks called hyphae. The roots descend deep into the food, while the stalks grow above the surface and produce spores.
Mold grows better in moderately warm temperatures but can still survive in the refrigerator. It thrives on moisture and nutrients such as those found in food.
Cutting Mold Off
It is not safe to simply cut mold off the outside of food and eat the rest, because the mold's roots permeate all through the food even if they are not visible.
Disposing of Mold
Do not smell moldy food; inhaled spores can cause an allergic reaction. Dispose of it outside the house so the spores have no chance to spread and cause health problems.
Good Food Mold
Not all food mold produces mycotoxins--harmful compounds that cause sickness. Many cheeses, such as blue cheese and brie, contain flavorful mold that is completely safe to eat.