Healthy Diet to Maintain Healthy Muscle Growth
Healthy Breakfast
Eat a healthy breakfast as soon as you wake up in the morning. Your muscles need fuel from the time you start your day. Feed your body a protein shake with added Omega-3 fatty acids. Make your own protein shake for breakfast each morning with protein powder, wheat grass, and 1 tbsp. of cod liver oil. A muscle-building diet should be centered around protein. Protein contains iron, which builds red blood cells and feeds muscle tissue. Protein-rich foods also contain B vitamins, which help with energy and stress reduction. Also include other foods such as scrambled eggs or a banana. Eggs are another great source of protein and they also contain Omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats are essential because they reduce inflammation and improve joint, brain and heart health.
Bananas are another great food for muscles because they are rich in potassium. This vital mineral helps prevent muscle cramping and improves overall muscle health. Snack on bananas throughout the day or add them to your protein shakes.
Healthy Snacks
Eat healthy snacks in between meals. Consume three to four meals per day in addition to two to three healthy snacks in between meals. Healthy snacks include foods rich in vitamins and minerals needed to maintain muscle tissue. Eat two to three apples per day or snack on raw carrots, sunflower seeds, almonds, salads, or other vegetables. Also snack on fruit like strawberries, pineapple or melons. Whole grains are also beneficial because they contain fiber, which is needed for optimal digestion. Eat a slice of whole-grain toast with butter as a satisfying snack before lunch or dinner. Eat butter rather than margarine. Butter contains good fats that your ancestors have been consuming for thousands of years. Margarine is artificial and full of artery-clogging fats. Skim milk and cheese make great snacks and also contain protein.
Healthy Lunch and Dinner
Eat a protein-rich lunch. To maintain muscle growth, eat lean sources or protein every day. Eat a turkey sandwich on rye bread with extra tomato. You can also eat chicken salad with nuts or have another protein shake. Eat plenty of vegetables throughout the day and add extra veggies to your lunch. Eat your food slowly and take the time to chew your food. Also drink plenty of water throughout the day because water transports nutrients to cells.
Eat protein at dinner also. If you really want to build strong muscle, you will need protein several times per day, including dinner. Have salmon sprinkled with herbs and asparagus or almond chicken with broccoli. Mainly focus on eating lean protein foods like turkey, fish, chicken, buffalo, and lamb. Eat beef twice per week, but do not make beef the main staple in your diet. Beef is good for you in moderation. It contains many essentials like iron, protein and B vitamins, but it also has a small amount of artery-clogging fat. Mostly eat salmon, halibut, chicken, and lean buffalo. Salmon is rich is protein and Omega-3 fatty acids.