Nutritional Facts for Acai Berry Juice
Sometimes referred to as the "complete natural food," the acai berry has been around for thousands of years and used for medicinal purposes. mentions that the ancient Amazonian tribes found that acai berries could help fight infection, control prostate enlargement and protect the body from heart-related diseases.
According to a research done by Alex Schauss and his colleagues from AIBMR Life Sciences, the acai berry contains the highest antioxidant value compared to any other fruit or vegetable tested to date. reveals that acai berry has 10 to 30 times as much anthocyanins as compared to red wine. It is also rich in healthy Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9, and 19 different amino acids were identified in the fruit. There is also approximately 8 grams of protein in every 100 servings of the fruit. Other vitamins and minerals identified in acai berry are plant sterols (such as B-sitosterol, campesterol and sigmasterol), potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, fiber, vitamins A, B, C and E.
Health Benefits
- notes that the acai berry can help prevent cancer with its antioxidant properties. In fact, it is believed to be five times more powerful than gingko biloba, which is commonly used in herbal therapy products.
The nutritional content of the acai berry has not been fully discovered, which means that with its unbelievable nutritional value, some of the other vitamins and minerals remains to be seen and recognized.
It is important to note that some acai berry juice manufacturers mix the genuine acai berry juice with additional juices such as guarana syrup and eventually lessens the nutritional content of the acai berry juice. It is best to get your supply only from authorized acai berry juice dealers.