Physical Effects of a Healthy Diet
What is a Healthy Diet?
A healthy diet consists of a wide variety foods. A nutritious diet is not fast food, processed foods, greasy foods, or salty foods. Healthy food is food that is whole food such as raw fruits and vegetables. Raw foods contain more nutrition because cooking destroys vitamins and other nutrients. A healthy diet also contains good fats found in fish, sunflower seeds, eggs, and almonds. Protein is also an important nutrient in a healthy diet because protein helps to build and maintain muscle tissue. Muscle helps to burn fat and keep the body lean and energized. Good choices are fish, chicken, buffalo and lean beef. A nutritious diet also contains super foods like spirulina. Spriulina is a blue-green sea algae that contains a vast assortment of minerals from the ocean, along with vitamins and amino acids.
Whole grains can also be nutritious because they contain fiber. Fiber helps to regulate digestion and create the feeling of fullness. However, whole grains are not good for people who have allergies to wheat. Talk to your doctor if you suspect that you have a wheat allergy.
Sustained Energy
The physical effects of a healthy diet include sustained energy. Providing for your family, cleaning your home, and just daily living requires energy. When we have the energy needed to perform certain tasks we are able to accomplish more and be more productive. A healthy diet consists of good foods like sunflower seeds that contain B-vitamins. B-vitamins improve energy because they improve cell communication and strengthen the nervous system. Protein contains iron, a valuable mineral when it comes to energy because iron helps to build red blood cell count. When the body has an adequate supply of red blood cells a person is less likely to experience fatigue.
Improved Mental Clarity
Foods found in a healthy diet also help to improve mental clarity. This is a physical effect that can improve productivity in school or in the workforce. Healthy fats and oils feed and nourish the brain. The human brain is primarily made up of fat. Good fats reduce inflammation in the body, which is beneficial for the heart, brain, and skin.
Beautiful Skin Hair and Nails
Another physical effect of a nutrient-dense diet is beautiful skin, hair and nails. The condition of your skin is a sign of what is going on inside your body. When the liver is congested from eating bad foods, a person may develop acne, eczema or other skin conditions. Healthy fats and oils improve the health and condition of the skin as well as reducing inflammation. Skin is naturally more supple and clear when a person eats cleansing vegetables. Good foods contain nutrients that nourish hair, making it shiny, thicker and more manageable. Vitamins A and E and biotin are very good for nails and hair.