Good Food for Stomach Acid
Stomach acid has an important role in the digestive and immune systems. It destroys harmful bacteria and parasites that enter the body through food. Stomach acid also assists in the digestion of protein and the breakdown of foods.
Red meat can be hard on the stomach, especially when it's cooked using high heat or overcooked. It takes a significant amount of stomach acid and enzymes to break down meat that has been cooked at high heat or overcooked because the meat loses moisture. As recommended by, marinating meats in acidic juices such as tomato, lemon or lime juices, or apple cider vinegar are the best methods to "pre-digest" or "pre-cook" meat.
Fermented Foods
Fermented foods are beneficial for stomach acid because these foods are packed with good bacteria for the intestines and the enzymes the body needs to aid in the digestive process, according to the article "Got Bacteria? 8 Reasons to Eat Fermented Foods." In addition to promoting healthy digestion, fermented foods improve the body's ability to absorb nutrients. Examples of these foods are sauerkraut, cabbage rejuvelac, and Kimchi (Korean sauerkraut) which includes several vegetables and herbs.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables rich with pectin and mucilages protect the intestinal mucous and promote digestion by keeping the intestines healthy. Botanical Online suggests eating apples, bananas and carrots. These soluble fibers promote healthy bowel movements related to a functioning digestive system. Other fruits and vegetables rich in pectin and mucilages include cranberries, tart plums, grapes, okra, figs and borage.
Spices and Herbs
Spices are great for activating the production of stomach acid. Sea salt is suggested for use with meals because it supports proper digestion and promotes production of stomach acid, according to Some herbs are good for soothing the stomach muscles. Chamomile, ginger, and gentian are useful as natural remedies. Other helpful herbs include fennel seed and turmeric.
Other Tips
In addition to eating good food for stomach acid, properly chewing your food also helps prevent stomach acid. The World's Healthiest Foods suggests slowly chewing your food and allowing 20 minutes for eating a meal. Eating small meals and chewing your food properly will help your body digest foods easier. Eat two to three balanced meals daily. Allow snacks in between meals, and drink plenty of water.