How to Improve Your Hypothyroid Condition
Do not intake caffeine. Take note that black, green, white tea has caffeine and their amounts and effect on a body can be as bad as the coffee. Caffeine interacts with thyroid hormones further disturbing your hormonal levels making it hard for your body to keep healthy balance. Side effects of too much caffeine can be feeling of irritability, feeling high which then followed by fatigue, memory problems, cold hands and other.
Excess amounts of estrogen make it hard for liver to get rid of it and the more estrogen excess you have the less hormonal balance your body tries to put up with. Estrogen excess can come from phyto estrogenic food such as broccoli, soy beans products, certain teas, chocolate, coffee, wine.
Another source of estrogen is cosmetics. Check out a link below for a list of estrogen herbs and substances. A lots of them can be found in cosmetics, body lotions. Before purchasing cosmetics, always look in ingredients. Those ingredients after being put on the skin can have a great affect on your hormonal balance.
Another aggressive thyroid balance disruptor is BPA. Heating food in plastics should avoided. Remember that coke and can food have inside of them a thin layer of plastic which leaches BPA.
Eat natural meat. Make sure the label on the meat says that the animals were not feed on hormones and antibiotics, this way you can be sure that you are not disrupting your hormonal balance by eating meat with hormones.