Diets With Boiled Eggs & Grapefruit
A typical breakfast on this diet would be half of a grapefruit with two boiled eggs, with an optional 8-ounce glass of milk. For variety, add a banana and try orange juice instead of milk. You can also chop up your grapefruit and mix it with apple, banana, and orange slices to make a fruit salad.
Lunch consist of sliced boiled eggs on a bed of lettuce, carrots, and radishes and the other half of the grapefruit. A glass of ice cold water will help improve your digestion and help burn calories. Variations on lunch can include whole deviled eggs instead of boiled slices, and a low fat dip for slices of grapefruit. You can also dip broccoli and cauliflower in the same dip. Try not to repeat any fruit or vegetable you ate at breakfast.
Supper can consist of a two or three egg omelet filled with tomatoes, celery and red peppers. Cut a full grapefruit into bite-sized pieces. Eat about half, and save the rest for snacks. If you want more vegetables and fruits, try peaches or pears, and spiced boiled vegetables such as carrots, peas, green beans, and Brussels sprouts. They will add vitamins and minerals to your diet without adding many calories. Milk helps round out a healthy supper. A supper variation can be scrambled or fried eggs (in a non-fat oil) with a grapefruit juice drink.
Problems with the Diet
While grapefruit and eggs have great nutritional value, this diet limits you to mostly protein. This can lead to malnutrition. This diet can also be considered a crash diet. 800 calories is a dangerously low calorie count. Your body will actually think it is starving and slow your metabolism. If you start to feel low on energy or if your weight loss begins to slow to a crawl, you should cease this diet.