Methoxy Pro Side Effects
Water Retention
Products that contain creatine, such as Methoxy Pro, may cause excessive water retention. Water retention occurs from creatine use because it causes more water than normal to be drawn to fat and muscle tissues. The increase in water retention will cause swelling all throughout the body, and is most apparent in the areas of the body that contain high amounts of muscle and fat tissue. This swelling is often mistaken as a rapid increase in muscle mass. Using too much Methoxy Pro can cause bloating. When using Methoxy Pro, follow a low-sodium diet, as a high sodium intake will increase the chances of experiencing excessive water retention and bloating.
Using more Methoxy Pro than recommended on the packaging can cause dehydration. Dehydration occurs when too much water is drawn away from organ tissue and is drawn toward fat and muscle tissues. Avoid dehydration when using Methoxy Pro by consuming plenty of fluids. This is especially important before a workout, because dehydration can increase chance of experiencing heat exhaustion, heat stroke and in severe cases, heart attacks.
Muscle Cramping and Injury
Muscle cramping is a potential side effect of Methoxy Pro use. If too much creatine is ingested, it can cause dehydration. This can cause muscle cramping to occur. Avoid exercising or performing strenuous activities with muscle cramps. Failure to do so can lead to muscle tears, ligament damage and sprains. The best way to prevent these side effects is to employ a stretching routine before each workout and to consume plenty of fluids.
Stress on the Kidneys
Using too much Methoxy Pro can cause increased strain on the kidneys. When high levels of creatine are present in the body, the kidneys must work harder to filter the excess creatine out of the bloodstream. Consult your doctor before using Methoxy Pro if you have a preexisting medical condition affecting the kidneys to make sure it is safe for you to use. Too much stress on the kidneys can cause fatigue, and if the stress continues over a prolonged period, kidney failure.
Gastrointestinal Distress
Methoxy Pro may cause gastrointestinal distress in some users. Gastrointestinal distress may include diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramping and excessive flatulence. Gastrointestinal distress from Methoxy Pro use occurs when too much creatine settles in the stomach. Avoid these side effects by consuming 16 oz. of water or juice with Methoxy Pro.