How Much Should a Two Month Old Eat?
Baby feeding
Breastfeeding The BabyCenter, a resource for mothers, states that you should avoid feeding your baby solid foods because their digestive tract are still developing and can only handle liquids at this age. You should also consider whether he is getting the amount of food he needs. If you are breastfeeding, your breast should feel softer instead of firm after feeding--this can indicate that your child has consumed a sufficient quantity of milk. If you use formula milk, you can dispense it by using calibrated milk bottles so that you can easily keep track of how much your baby is consuming. You may also want to weigh your baby and make sure he or she is gaining 5 to 8 oz. a week at this age.
Time Frame
Calendar Babies at this age need to be fed around eight to 12 times in a day, as the U.S. Department of Education recommends. This means that you should be nursing your 2-month-old or giving her mula every two to three hours. Babies at this age are rapidly developing, in terms of brain and bodily functions. They quickly burn through the calories they can hold in their small stomachs after a single feeding, and it is important that you provide all the nutrients and nourishment that they need, when they need it.
It is important to consider hunger signs that your baby may show to signal that she needs nourishment. A common hunger sign is when his or her mouth opens and the tongue reaches outward. It is also common for babies to bring their fists to their mouths as a sign of hunger. Some babies may fuss too, but this depends on your baby's personality.
The Healthy Smart, Healthy Start resource on the U.S. Department of Education website recommend that mothers feed their babies until their breasts are emptied of milk, or about 15 minutes per feeding session. Your baby will take in as much milk he needs, and your body will produce as much as he needs. For formula milk, babies usually need 4 to 6 oz. per feeding.
Types of Foods
Milk A 2-month old should still be breastfeeding, if possible. Breast milk contains nutrients that can help protect your baby from illnesses and allergies. Another benefit of breastfeeding is that it's a way for mothers to lose the baby weight they might have gained when pregnant.
Although breastfeeding is best for you and your baby, you may also feed your baby with formula milk. Since a 2-month-old is not yet capable of feeding herself alone, you must help her feed from the bottle by holding the bottle until she's done feeding. There are different kinds of formula milk--powdered milk, liquid concentrates and premixed formula. Your baby's pediatrician can tell you what kind of formula your baby needs.
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