Natural Foods That Increase Mental Energy
The Facts
Although the brain accounts for only 2 percent of the body's weight, it burns 20 percent of the body's daily calorie intake and requires specific nutrients for optimum performance. Eating foods rich in these nutrients will boost energy and mental alertness as well as increase resistance to stress. Quantity is just as important as quality. Dongsheng Cai of Wisconsin University published a study in the October 3, 2009 issue of the journal, "Cell," claiming that the brain could react to excess food as if it was a pathogen. Michael Green of Aston University in England agrees and suggests eating "more frequent but smaller meals."
Brain Food
The Franklin Institute Online, Resources for Science Learning, developed a three dimensional "Brain Food Pyramid" that illustrates that Omega-3 fatty acids build the brain, proteins enhance the ability of the different parts of the brain to work together, Carbohydrates fuel it, and micronutrients protect it.
Egg yolks contain choline, a nutrient made up of two fat-like molecules that the brain needs to function well. Choline deficiency is associated with Alzheimer's disease.
Spinach can improve mental capacity and motor skills while protecting the brain from oxidative stress.
Cranberries help in improving memory, balance and coordination and protect the brain from free-radical damage (oxidative damage created when cells use oxygen).
General Guidelines
Experts at Psychology Today advise to "think color" when shopping the produce isle. The general rule from The Brain Power Diet on their website ( is "anything brightly colored is brain food, loaded with vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that maintain brain health and enhance mental performance."