Malay Herbs for Health
Malay herbs have been used in the treatment of many different ailments for more than 5,000 years.Traditional Malay beliefs are that foods have medicinal properties that are necessary for our internal balance.
There are different Malay herbs available with ginseng and lemongrass being the most commonly used today. As well as being ingredients in medicines and food recipes, these herbs are also used in various beauty products.
Health Benefits
Malay herbs have properties that allow them to be used as stimulants and relaxants. Some are reputed to help purify the blood, such as the Agrimony herb.Others like lemongrass and ginseng have multiple benefits ranging form tonics for ulcers and sores to improving stamina and lowering cholesterol.
Where to Buy Malay Herbs
Malay herbs can purchased through online health stores or in specialist shops such as Whole Foods or Trader Joe's. The cost of different health products ranges from as little as $2 for lemongrass oils to $40 for some herbal supplements.
Although Malay herbs have many health benefits on their own, they are best used as part of a healthy, balanced diet for the individual to get their full effect.