Vitamins That Help Muscle Growth
Vitamin-enriched Foods for Muscle Growth
In order for muscle growth to take place, the body must build and maintain muscular tissue. That growth relies on biochemical reactions that require certain vitamins. Without these vitamins, the muscles do not maintain or grow. If the muscles do not receive all the proper vitamins they need to repair damage and grow, deterioration begins to take place.
Among the essential vitamins needed, Vitamin A, also known as beta-carotene, is used in the breaking down of proteins.This process allows the muscles to more readily absorb the vitamin.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an excellent anti-oxidant that helps to protect muscle cells from damage. It also helps in the formation of collagen, the connective tissue that holds bones and muscles together. This vitamin also aids in the absorption of iron, which is necessary to help bind hemoglobin to blood and helps in the transport of oxygen to the muscles. Without oxygen to the muscles, an athlete's performance is greatly reduced.
Vitamin E is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps hunt out and neutralize free radicals in the body. It flushes out metabolic waste products and maintains healthy cell membranes.
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorous more efficiently. Phosphorous is used in the synthesis of ATP, the usable form of energy in the body that is critical to exercise and muscle building.
The B vitamins include thiamine (B1),riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3),biotin, B6 and B12. They promote muscle tissue growth.
There are many available food sources that contain these essential vitamins. Most are readily available at supermarkets.
Vitamin C occurs naturally in citrus fruits, green vegetables, and some nuts. Egg yolks, carrots, and oatmeal are a few of the foods rich in vitamin E. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese are sources of Vitamin D. Sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, and kale are rich in Vitamin A. Find Vitamin B in whole grains, brown rice, oatmeal, poultry, and pork.
Other Sources
Vitamin-enriched foods are the best source of essential vitamins, but sometimes the diet may not be as nutritionally sound as it should be. In this event, vitamin supplementation may be the answer. A daily multivitamin is a good choice whenever adequate nutrition is in question. Foods provide vitamins that are better metabolized than supplements, making eating the right foods a better solution for muscle growth.
The body must be fed with food containing vitamins and minerals that provide the nutritional needs necessary to build and maintain muscles. In addition to eating the proper foods that contain the vitamins that aid in this process, there are certain foods that must be eliminated because they are empty calories that might take the place of more vitamin-packed foods in your diet. Among the foods to avoid are all soft drinks,(diet or regular), processed meats, most processed foods, junk foods (candy, cookies, etc.), refined foods such as white bread and flour, and alcohol.
Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen is one of the most important things that a person can do in order to stay healthy and live a long and productive life. The body systems are dependent upon vitamins to function properly and this can be achieved through proper nutrition and self-discipline.