How to Get Rid of Bad Eczema
Things You'll Need
- Calcium and magnesium liquid vitamins
- Food diary
- Raw carrots
- B-vitamins
- Whole food multivitamin
- Cod liver oil
- Vitamin D3
- Hylunia healing and restoring cream
Go to your local health food store and buy a large bag of raw carrots, b-complex vitamins (50 mg) , vitamin D3 (1000 mg), cod liver oil, liquid calcium and magnesium (500 mg), and a whole food multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. You can also buy vitamins online. While you are at the health food store, be sure to stock up on other vegetables and fruit that you enjoy. You will need to consume five or more servings per day in addition to the carrots. Carrots are the most important vegetable for those who suffer with eczema because carrots contain high levels of beta carotene, which improves skin health and the cell renewal process.
Make an appointment to see a naturopathic doctor to go over your plan. The dosages suggested in this article are for adults, but you can cut the dosages in half for a child. Talk to your ND to find out if he recommends any other supplements based on your individual needs.
Go to your local spa and buy Hylunia Healing and Restoring Cream. Hylunia is not sold online or in stores. Keep in mind that this cream is $45, so if this is too expensive for you, try other creams until you find one that works well. After stopping at your local health spa buy a chlorine filter for your shower. The chlorine in tap water is very drying, which can irritate sensitive eczema skin. Install the filter as soon as possible.
Write down what you or your child eats in a food diary. You can buy a food diary or simply use a notebook. Write down every food consumed, including beverages. Watch how the body responds. Foods that aggravate eczema are milk, cheese, wheat, eggs, soy, and sugar.
Eliminate foods that seem to cause eczema flare-ups. Include plenty of whole foods in your diet, such as raw fruits and vegetables. Drink eight to 10 glasses of pure water per day. If this plan is for a child give the child half their body weight in ounces of water per day. Take your vitamins with meals in the morning or mid afternoon. If you have a difficult time taking vitamins, split them between meals.
The daily whole vitamin dosage for adults is one to two tablets per day based on label recommendations. Take 500 mg of liquid calcium and magnesium per day, 1,000 mg of vitamin D3, in addition to getting 20 minutes or more of sunshine. You will need 1 to 2 tbsp. of cod liver oil, dependant on the severity of the eczema. You should also take 50 mg of B vitamin daily.
Apply eczema cream to your body daily. After taking a shower slather your body with Hylunia healing and restorative cream or another cream that you feel does the job. Hylunia is all natural, but there are other creams that are comparable. Aveeno has an eczema care cream for around $8. There is also an overnight itch relief cream that may be helpful.