Red Salmon Vs. Pink Salmon
Pink salmon and red salmon, widely known as sockeye, are abundant in Alaska. However, red salmon is on the endangered species protected list in the Pacific Northwest.
Red and pink salmon are spawned in Alaskan or U.S. fisheries. Pink salmon is often canned, and the eggs , known as roe, are eaten as caviar. Alaskan fishermen produced $74 million in salmon harvests in 2008.
Nutritional Value
Pink and red salmon are high in protein, low in sodium, contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids and are a source for vitamin B12.
Calories and Fat
Red salmon has 168 calories per serving, while pink salmon has 116. Red salmon contains more than twice the grams of fat per serving, 8.56, compared with pink salmon's 3.45 grams.
With canned salmon, there isn't much difference in the taste between red and pink salmon. Otherwise, red salmon is a larger fish with more fat and a bold flavor. Pink salmon has a mild taste, which makes it good for salads and recipes.