How to Prevent Hair Loss by Diet
Things You'll Need
- Leafy greens
- Whole wheat
- Eggs
- Fish
- Raisins
- Brewer's yeast
- Green or red peppers
- Cucumbers
- Bean sprouts
- Brown rice
- Soy beans
Diet suggestions to prevent hair loss.
Cut the fats. Various studies have shown that balding can be slowed by limiting the amount of saturated fats in your diet. Diets rich in these fats may raise testosterone levels and have adverse effects on hair follicles. For example, instead of butter you should use a vegetable spread or olive oil.
Get plenty of iron. Iron can prevent anemia, an underlying cause of hair loss. Eat foods such as leafy greens, wheats, eggs and raisins.
Get your silica. A study at the University of Cincinnati's College of Pharmacy showed that silica can stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair shafts. Silica is found in potato skins, green or red peppers, cucumbers, bean sprouts or whole foods.
Eat protein-rich foods. Protein encourages hair growth and can be found (without excessive fat) in calves' liver, brewer's yeast, wheat germ or fish.
Consume foods rich in biotin, a component of healthy hair. Brewer's yeast, brown rice and soybeans are rich in biotin.