Fruit Diet and Candida
What is Candida?
Candida yeast is found naturally in harmless amounts in the body on the skin, throat, nose, vagina and digestive tract. Under normal circumstances your body will keep candida levels under control.
Symptoms of Overgrowth
Candida feeds on undigested carbohydrates and can quickly multiply to unhealthy levels. It causes symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, mood swings, sinus congestion and poor memory and concentration.
Causes of Overgrowth
Taking antibiotics can upset the normal levels of candida by killing the friendly bacteria in your body that keeps candida levels low. Eating excess sugar, candida's food source, can make levels increase. Finally, genetic predisposition and fluctuating hormone levels can cause overgrowth.
Fruit and Candida
To kill off candida, starve it from its food source: sugar. That means eating as little sugar as possible from any source, including fruit, until the candida is under control. Some people may notice improvement after two to four weeks; for others it may take months.
Fruit Diet
Fruit contains beneficial nutrients assisting in maintaining proper health, but if you are trying to treat candida naturally, a fruit diet is not recommended. Once the candida has been treated, you may incorporate a normal amount of natural sugars back into your diet.