Granola Nutrition
At the store, you'll find granola in the cereal aisle, in the form of granola bars and in trail mix. Perhaps the healthiest option is making your own granola at home, where you can control the ingredients and keep the sugar content in check.
Most granola products pack a pretty good nutritional punch. Oats and other grains, dried fruit and nuts are all nutritious ingredients you often find in granola. However, packaged versions are often high in sugar.
Portion size is important when it comes to granola. Homemade granola is satisfying in 1/2-cup servings; check the label for serving sizes on packaged versions.
The benefits of granola depend largely on the individual ingredients. Rolled oats and other whole grains provide a slow-burning source of energy, dried fruits provide antioxidants and other nutrients, seeds and nuts are a source of protein and healthful fats.
When making your own granola, include healthful ingredients. Options include rolled oats, flax seed, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, almonds, walnuts, dried cranberries, dates and dried apricots. Add spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg to flavor your granola.