How to Lower Cholesteral Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Daily exercise routine
- Food with fiber
- Olive and fish oils
Exercise daily. Exercising will lower LDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is increased, as the LDL continues to be lowered.
Increase fiber in your diet. High-fiber beans, such as navy and pinto, lower cholesterol naturally. Cholesterol will bind with the beans and eventually work its way out of the body. Add grains to your diet to help increase fiber, and help lower cholesterol naturally.
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower are some of the best choices to lower LDL cholesterol. Fruits such as apples, blueberries, and grapefruit can help reduce LDL cholesterol as well. These foods all contain fiber, vitamins or antioxidants that work to lower LDL cholesterol.
Add olive oil and fish oils to your diet. These oils adds the necessary fat in your diet.