What Is Hemp Seed?
Hemp seeds are used as a dietary supplement because they contain important amino acids and essential fatty acids. People also sprout hemp seeds to use the plant for making fibers.
The amino acids and essential fatty acids in hemp seeds help the body process saturated fats and free radicals in the blood stream. It also works on a cellular level, promoting healthy skin and hair. Hemp seeds also yield few allergic reactions, making it easier to eat than most seeds for sensitive people.
Available Forms
Hemp seed oil, flour, and hulled hemp seeds are also available from health food stores or via mail order. Products containing hemp seed such as frozen waffles, cereals and hemp butter are commercially available in health food stores. People eat hemp seeds in raw form, grind them up to put into meals, bake them into muffins or breads, eat in them in sprouted form or make them into tea or hemp milk.
Industrial uses for hemp include paper, plastic and textiles. Hemp is beneficial for the environment since it is more easily recycled than wood.
It is illegal to grow hemp in the the United States despite its differences from the marijuana plant. You must obtain permission from the DEA to grow it, but you will then need DEA prescribed parameters such as razor wire, dogs and guards. It is legal to grow hemp in Canada.