Bladder Cancer Nutrition
The National Cancer Institute has stated that roughly one-third of all cancer deaths are from malnutrition. Nutrition plays a vital role in a person's overall quality of life. Even when we are healthy, our body still needs good nutrition in order to maintain energy. In addition, nutrition gives our cells fuel to build and repair tissues. Vitamins A and C, for instance, calm bladder inflammation and promote healing.
Foods to Avoid
Bladder cancer causes the bladder to become weaker. Some people who have bladder cancer will also notice that they urinate more frequently because the bladder shrinks. Urine may become cloudy or have a foul smell. According to Dr. Linda Page, author of "Detoxification," making dietary changes can help to ease the discomfort caused by bladder cancer. She has a complete bladder support program in her book "Healthy Healing." She recommends avoiding acid-forming foods such as meat, salty foods, processed foods, fatty foods, sugary foods and dairy foods.
Good Foods
Dr. Linda Page also recommends adding cleansing vegetables such as spinach, watermelon and celery, and to drink juices made of green sea vegetables like spiralina. Spirulina is a blue-green sea algae that is packed with vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Other good foods for the bladder are yogurt and certain fruits, like plums, blueberries and bananas. Garlic and onions have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, so add these foods to meals for good health and flavor.
Beverages to Avoid
In "Healthy Healing," Dr. Page writes that there are certain beverages that you should avoid, including soda, coffee and alcohol. All of these beverages cause dehydration, which is not good for people who suffer from bladder cancer. Dr. Page has also stated that cancer thrives off of sugar, so be sure to avoid any drinks that contain any type of sweetener. High-fructose corn syrup, refined sugar and even sugar substitutes like aspartame are not healthy.
Beverages to Add
Patients should drink eight to 10 glasses of pure water each day, and eight ounces or more of pure cranberry juice twice daily. Cranberry juice is a wonderful drink that provides bladder support in various ways. First of all, cranberries help to prevent infections in the bladder because they contain D-mannose, which is a nutrient that fights bacteria. Cranberry juice can help to strengthen and support the bladder, which is very helpful for someone suffering from bladder cancer.
Vitamin Supplements
It is important to get your nutrition from food, but you can also take additional nutrients in supplement form for bladder support. Take one tablespoon of cod liver oil daily to calm inflammation. Cod liver oil contains vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fats lubricate tissues in the body, and vitamin D helps to boost the immune system. Strengthening the immune system and calming inflammation are very important goals for people suffering from bladder cancer. Patients should take a whole-food multivitamin and mineral supplement to get a wide range of nutrients.