How to get rid of Gas Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Activated Charcoal
- Kombu
First of all you will need to chew your food well. By not properly starting the digestion with complete mastication of your food Gas will build up or becoming rather odorous. To avoid this and to begin treating Gas naturally you must thoroughly chew food.
Be aware of your breathing habits. Much of the gas expelled by some people actually comes about as a result of swallowing it, due to gum chewing, smoking etc. This introduces gases that will not be readily absorb into the body and thus must be released naturally in the form of gas, by being aware of this you can stop it or reduce it significantly.
Next watch your diet. Stay away from large meals of fatty foods, some sugars and carbohydrates. Those foods with large sources of these (such as beans) will cause absorption problems and thus will produce much more gas that will other foods. Learn these foods or the foods that cause you to pass gas and stay away.
Next you can look into getting a few quick remedies. Fennel seeds are very popular (a quick how to is linked below). Also popular is Activated charcoal, just add a few tablespoons to a glass of water and drink.
Also you can try to neutralize the smell, add peppermint oil to some water and drink to give your gas a nice minty smell. Or you can go and look up the vegetable Kombu. Kombu is sold in many Asian grocery stores and is know for counteracting the effects of gas. Just a little strip of Kombu and you will be set. Another good remedy is fenugreek seeds, mix these with equal part dill. Every day take about 5 grams and it should control the flatulence.