Side Effects of Splenda Sweetener
One possible side effect from Splenda unrelated to allergies is the possibility of chlorine poisoning. Splenda is one of the few artificial sweeteners that claims to be made from sugar; chlorine atoms are added. Ingesting too much chlorine can lead to chlorine poisoning. In most cases, using Splenda won't be harmful because the amount of chlorine is so small, but constant consumption of Splenda could make you sick.
Some people who have consumed Splenda have reported having diarrhea almost immediately after use. Intestinal cramps, stomach pains and gas are similar side effects that can result from consuming Splenda.
According to Dr. Stuart Stark at Everyday Health, Splenda is one of the most common dietary foods that causes people to have headaches. These headaches could be minor headaches, but they also could be as serious as migraine headaches.
Chest Pains
Chest pains, constricted airways, heartburn and indigestion are side effects that have been reported when consuming Splenda.
Weight Gain
The reason people use artificial sweeteners like Splenda is to avoid sugar and lose weight, but Splenda actually can have the opposite effect. The body does not consider Splenda to be food; the sweetener does not satisfy your body's craving, so your body may tell you to eat even more.