Will Hair Lost Due to a Zinc Deficiency Grow Back?
Zinc plays an important role in our body's cellular metabolism and immune function. It is also responsible for the catalytic activity of more than 100 enzymes and helps with the healing of wounds and cell division.
Severe cases of zinc deficiency result in hair loss, impotence, skin and eye lesions, delayed wound healing, mental and physical fatigue, diarrhea and delays in puberty. Loss of taste is also a sign of severe zinc deficiency.
Between 30 and 50 percent of alcoholics have low zinc levels, along with those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, chronic liver or renal disease, sickle cell anemia and diabetes. Vegetarians are also more prone to low zinc levels because they do not consume meat, which is high in bio-available zinc.
In addition to hair loss, a zinc deficiency can cause other scalp conditions such as flaking and dryness due to nutritional deficiencies. Luckily, losses associated with zinc deficiency are not permanent, and the problem can be corrected quickly with the correct nutritional adjustments.
Many natural foods contain high levels of zinc, such as oysters, poultry and red meat. Supplement these foods with beans, nuts, lobster and crab, dairy products and whole grains for more zinc in your diet.
Acute and chronic zinc toxicity can occur with an overdose of the mineral. Symptoms may include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and headaches.