The Tao Diet & Pregnancy
Taoism literally is thousands of years old. The concepts of Taoism are passed down through oral and written tradition, with the Tao te Ching (daodejing) being one of the oldest books written by mankind. Taoism stresses a unity between mankind and nature, stating that any actions that run contrary to nature are unhealthy and cannot last.
Taoism and Diet
As the food you eat is one of the three primary sources of vitality (with the others being the air you breathe and your innate constitution), Taoists consider food to be an important part of keeping yourself healthy. The Taoist diet stresses a balance between the five different "flavors" in food---spicy, sour, bitter, salty and sweet. Additionally, the consumption of yin foods (largely fruits and vegetables) should be balanced with consumption of yang foods (meats and grains). Herbs also are commonly used to help balance the body's energy.
Pregnancy and Tao Diet
When pregnant, the first alteration you should make to the Tao diet is increasing the size of your portions. For the time being, you should forget about weight loss and ensure that your child is well-fed by increasing your portion size as much as necessary. To keep to the spirit of the Tao diet, increase your portions proportionately, making sure to eat as many additional servings of vegetables and fruits as you do meats and grains.
Tao Diet and Herbs
While pregnant, you also should steer clear of any herbal remedies until you have given birth. As it is difficult, if not impossible, for someone to predict how herbs will affect her developing child, it is best to abstain altogether. Further, you should attempt to keep your diet as natural as possible during pregnancy: abstain from processed foods, excess sugars and refined flour. In other words, avoid anything that runs contrary to nature.
A Taoist diet is best followed with guidance from an individual who is certified in traditional Chinese medicine. Only these individuals can help you properly balance your dietary intake to correspond to your own body's needs, helping to achieve sustainable health. If you plan on following the Tao diet during pregnancy, be sure to run your plan past a Western or Eastern physician so you do not inadvertently compromise your child's development.