Food That Is Good for Your Brain
Fish is a good brain food because it is packed with protein and essential Omega-3 fatty acids. Use caution about the type of fish you eat. Pay attention to the potential for mercury contamination and select low-risk fish. Mercury can damage the body and that negates the positive affects of Omegas. Some low-risk fish options are: salmon, catfish, flounder, whitefish and trout. Check the link below for a more complete list of fish and their mercury contamination risk.
Leafy green vegetables are particularly good for the brain. Broccoli, collards, Brussels sprouts, kale, radishes and spinach are all fine choices. Red peppers, carrots, asparagus, okra, mushrooms and lettuce are also excellent brain food.
Choose brightly colored fruits. Avocados are high in monounsaturated fats, making them excellent brain food. Melons and citrus fruits help memory and recall. Choose a variety of colors among fruits and vegetables to ensure that you get a wide range of nutrients.
Berries can boost brain power. Strawberries, elderberries, blackberries and blueberries all have some great nutrition to offer. Strawberries can boost learning capacity because they contain fisetin, a flavonoid that improves memory recall. The other three berries are high in antioxidants, which can improve memory.
Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is great for the brain. It is rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids improve the blood supply to the brain and therefore help increase your cognitive abilities. The darker chocolate is better because it contains more pure cacao. Avoid high-sugar foods and don't use the excuse that dark chocolate is good for you. Limit yourself to about 1 or 2 ounces a day.
Eat foods that contain whole organic soy. Chow down on plain soybeans or choose products with soy. Soy contains choline, lecithin and isoflavones. Choline helps brain development and slows memory loss. Lecithin helps prevent deposits of plaque in the brain. Isoflavones aid cognitive function, category fluency, various aspects of memory and spatial cognition.
Nuts and seeds are excellent food for the brain. Eat nuts and seeds in moderation because they are high in fat (albeit healthy fats), which means they have a lot of calories. Eat about a handful each day to receive the health benefits.
Whole Grain, Tea and Eggs
Choose whole grains. Foods such as brown rice, oatmeal and whole grain breads and cereals are beneficial. Whole grains contain various beneficial vitamins, including folate, thiamine and vitamin B6. Eggs are also great food for the brain. They are high in vitamin B, lecithin, essential fatty acids and choline. Choline is a building block in brain cells. Therefore, eggs can improve memory.