What Food Is Sucrose Found In?
Junk Foods
Sucrose is a common ingredient in processed junk foods--and not just because it is a popular sweetener. Sucrose is also an effective preservative, so cookies and other packaged snacks can stay on the shelf a little longer.
Sucrose is essential in plants as a product of photosynthesis, the chemical reaction that makes plant food. Sweet potatoes and sweet beets contain a higher amount of sucrose than other plants.
Although naturally occurring in all fruits, sucrose levels are especially higher in sweet fruits like tangerines and pineapples.
Sucrose also makes an appearance in walnuts, pecans, cashews and sunflower seeds.
Sodas and Fruit Juices
Although fruit juices may have a natural amount of sucrose included in the mix, colas and juices with a high sugar content have extra sucrose added during processing.