What Kind of Protein Is Casein?
Casein protein is responsible for about 80 percent of the protein found in cow's milk. It contains important amino acids and is known as a slow-digesting protein. This is because after casein protein is consumed, it forms a gel-like substance in the stomach. This results in peak amino acids in the bloodstream between three and four hours after casein protein consumption. However, the release of amino acids will continue for up to seven hours after consumption.
Casein Vs. Whey
Another protein supplement is whey protein. This is a faster-acting protein that usually enters the bloodstream quickly. Optimal levels of whey protein usually peak in the bloodstream within 40 minutes of consumption and are finished in about an hour. Bodybuilders and athletes usually supplement with whey protein in the morning and right after a workout. Casein protein usually is used right before bed to preserve lean muscle tissue through the night.
If you are looking to purchase a protein supplement, there are many different kinds to choose from. The most popular forms of protein are sustained-release blends that contain whey protein as well as casein protein; this is an economical choice because you buy only one protein supplement. The blends are said to be better tasting than a plain casein protein powder, which can have a chalky taste. The blends usually mix easily with water or milk.
Foods That Contain Casein Protein
You can also get casein protein from food sources. Cottage cheese contains high levels of casein protein--about 13 grams per 1/2 cup. Milk contains about 9 grams of protein per cup. Cheese is a good source of casein protein; a slice of American cheese contains 3 grams of protein.
Time Frame
Because casein protein is a slow-digesting protein, it is the best protein choice for nighttime consumption. Consuming casein protein before bed will help preserve the muscle you work so hard for during exercise. The body needs protein and amino acids during sleep in order to properly recover from exercise.